Students of Chinese Medicine Resources

This page contains books and websites of interest both to students of Chinese medicine and to clients who would like more detailed knowledge.

Books include:

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Hara Diagnosis: Reflections on the Sea
by Kiiko Matsumoto and Stephen Birch

A beautiful book. If you do any Hara work, this book is a must read. A bit academic in places, and it may be more than you ever thought you wanted to know, but it provides a deep understanding of why Hara work is so important and so effective.

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Hara Diagnosis: Reflections on the Sea

The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. Second Edition
by Giovanni Maciocia

For a textbook, this is extremely readable. Detailed information on each organ system, their patterns, and every point. Useful as a reference work and to study for exams. The second edition includes useful color coded summaries and a CD with sample exam questions.

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Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture
compiled by Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Not recommended for casual reading, but a good reference book for learning all the points.

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Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture

The Secret of Chinese Pulse Diagnosis The Secret of Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
by Bob Flaws

Bob Flaws claims that the secret to pulse diagnosis is to memorize the exact Chinese definitions of all the major pulse images. With a good teacher, pulse reading can then be mastered in a month, rather than being an elusive goal that takes a lifetime to learn.

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Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis
by Barbara Kirschbaum, Dominique Hertzer

The extensive collection of color photos makes this book an excellent learning tool. There are tongues in this book that you will probably never see in a lifetime of practice. But absorbing the images hones your skill in assessing relatively normal tongues.

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Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis

All Sickness Is Home Sickness All Sickness Is Home Sickness
by Dianne M. Connelly

This is a personal, philosophical essay on the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine by a student of J. M. Worsley. It’s a bit unfocused and meandering, but contains some gems.

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TCM Student TCM Student

Although it’s geared mainly towards acupuncture students, this site is useful for anyone interested in Chinese medicine. There are tables that contain, for each meridian, the location of all the points and indications (uses) for each point.

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Golden Needle Golden Needle

The Blue Poppy Press books listed on this website may be of interest to Asian medicine students.

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